CHAPTER 5 of 9

Enabling Seniors to Age Well

So that everyone can retire with peace of mind, and enjoy golden years

Singapore is one of the fastest-ageing nations in the world. By 2030, one in four will be aged 65 and above. This demographic shift will be a significant social transformation.

Our healthcare needs will increase as we get older. We will have to deal with more chronic diseases, as well as more concerns about frailty and ageing-related diseases. Many Singaporeans also worry about their ability to meet their basic needs and take care of themselves when they stop working.

We cannot stop ageing, but we can all work together to help our seniors age with meaning and purpose so they can enjoy fulfilling golden years.

Together, let us build a society that ages well through the following:

Empower seniors to age healthily and well

• We will continue to build up our preventive care system through Healthier SG, and bring together multiple stakeholders to empower Singaporeans to live healthier and maintain active lifestyles.

• Through Age Well SG, we will strengthen our aged care system and enable our seniors to age well in the community. An expanded network of Active Ageing Centres will help seniors stay engaged and socially active by giving them opportunities to contribute to the community.

• We hope that doctors, healthcare providers and community partners can guide our seniors to keep healthy for as long as possible through a personalised health plan. Community partners can also organise programmes and activities for seniors to participate in and provide a social network for mutual support.

• We ask that family members, friends and befrienders actively encourage seniors to improve their health and stay active and socially connected.

• We encourage seniors to do their part in taking responsibility for their own health and well-being, such as by making healthy lifestyle choices, attending regular medical screenings, and participating actively in the community.

Strengthen services for seniors with care needs

• To enable seniors with care needs to grow old in a familiar environment, we will also strengthen the community-based aged care system. Each senior’s care journey will become simpler and more seamless.

Improve the physical environment for seniors

• We will offer more housing options integrated with care provision, while incorporating more senior-friendly amenities and features in our neighbourhoods and homes. With these enhancements, seniors can easily access a range of care services and amenities to go about their daily activities more conveniently and safely.

Ensure seniors retire with peace of mind

• Our aim is that all Singaporeans should be able to meet their basic retirement needs, as long as they work and contribute to their CPF consistently.

• We will enhance existing schemes to strengthen the retirement adequacy of Singaporeans. Through the Majulah Package, we will boost the retirement and healthcare savings of ‘young seniors’ who are now in their fifties and early sixties.

• We ask that individuals do their part by contributing consistently to their CPF. We also ask that employers support seniors who wish to continue working by tapping into their expertise and experience.

Chapter 5


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Read Forward SG Summary Booklet

In English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil

Ideas and pledges for our shared future

#MyFSGPledge - Lai Chun Ying
#MyFSGPledge - Nathan George
#MyFSGPledge - Ranjanni and her mom